
To explain to our school community Lalor North College’s policy requirements, and expectations regarding the safe and appropriate use of mobile phones by students, at school or during school activities.


This policy applies to all students at Lalor North College.


Lalor North College understands that students may bring a mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school or to extra-curricular activities.

During school hours, mobile phones must be:

  • switched off, and carried on the student’s person, or
  • locked securely in the student’s locker.

Students are permitted to access their mobile phones during lunchtime and recess only, unless otherwise authorised by a supervising teacher e.g. where phones may be used for e-learning or other learning activities.

Mobile Phone Use

Mobile phones must not be used:

  • during class time, between classes or during assemblies or in any way that disrupts the learning of others
  • to send inappropriate, harassing or threatening messages or phone calls
  • to engage in inappropriate social media use including cyber bullying
  • to capture video or images of people, including students, teachers and members of the school community without their permission
  • to capture video or images in the school toilets, changing rooms and gym.

Students who use their mobile phone to engage in inappropriate behaviour at school may be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s Student Wellbeing and Engagement and/or Bullying policies.

In the instant that a student is caught using their phone when not permitted, the phone will be confiscated and securely stored in the General Office. The phone will be held until the end of the school day. If a student refuses to hand over their mobile phone, they will be exited from the classroom for failing to instructions and the Principal Class will be notified immediately and they will confiscate the phone.

Please note that earphones are not permitted during class, between classes and during assemblies and will also be confiscated if being used when not permitted.


Students are responsible for their mobile phone. Please note that Lalor North College does not have accident insurance for accidental property damage. Students and their parents/carers are encouraged to obtain appropriate insurance for valuable items, including mobile phones that may be brought to school. Students are responsible for items brought to school.

Camps and Excursions

Students will be allowed to bring their mobile phones on overnight school camps or excursions. However, as per the College expectations, students will only have access to phones during specified break times.

Review period – This policy was last updated in November 2018 and is scheduled for review in November 2020.